
Getting Back to Living Fully
With the Help of Healing Touch

Lee Wolfer and Terria Odom-Wolfer were HT Recipients. Terria is now an active volunteer, helping the program in a variety of ways as well as being a Provider.

Approximately 40%
of our current Providers
were once HT Participants.

The service meant so much to them that they learned Healing Touch and became Providers so they could help others coping with the challenges of cancer.

Participant to Provider: Diane’s Story

My oncologist noticed
that I had a better
attitude and healed
faster than most of her patients. I knew if I
survived, I wanted
to be a part of passing
this healing possibilities
to other cancer patients, especially in early diagnosis.

— Diane Dobronte

The early days of my cancer diagnosis felt like a crisis of body, mind and spirit - the confusion and fear were paramount and I often didn’t know how to feel. My old boundaries dissolved and I felt like I fell down the cancer funnel into a different world ...

I was offered Healing Touch early on and just said “yes!”, not knowing what it was. During these sessions, tears flowed, beliefs morphed and I broke open to the unknown with a new sense of self.  My fear lessened. My oncologist noticed that I had a better attitude and healed faster than most of her patients. I knew if I survived, I wanted to be a part of passing this healing possibilities to other cancer patients, especially in early diagnosis.

Eventually I completed Healing Touch training in Monterey. I now volunteer as a Healing Partners Provider at Pacific Cancer Care. There is an indescribable bond as a survivor with my clients. Together we practice a deeper sense of inner calm and give our bodies a chance to heal on multiple levels. What a gift to ​receive and now give!

Diane Dobronte
HT Recipient and Provider

HT Recipient to Provider

I can honestly say that the diagnosis of cancer was a huge blessing in my life. Healing Partners introduced me into the world of energy healing, both as a receiver and then as a provider. That began the inward journey of self realization and transformation for me. I am forever grateful for the Healing Touch community and the light ignited within me!

— Natalie Killick, HT
HT Recipient and Provider


The Healing Partners program has been a silver lining for our cancer patients. This program has given them an outlet to help deal with the stress and anxiety of a cancer diagnosis.  This weekly hour to focus on their own energy and healing has been so powerful. I have definitely noticed those in the program have less side effects to chemotherapy and more energy!

— Dr. Nancy Rubin
Oncologist, Pacific Cancer Care

HT Recipient & Spouse Caregiver

As a recipient of Healing Touch, being both a patient and then a caregiver, I could not believe what a gift I received. How I felt before and after the session is hard to describe. I was skeptical that the pain and stress could be corrected by the rebalancing of the body’s energy leaving me with an overall feeling of almost being normal. I am now a believer in Healing Touch.

— Lee Wolfer
Caregiver and HT Recipient

Healthcare Professional

During COVID, HPCC recognized the stress and fatigue healthcare workers were experiencing and offered free Healing Touch sessions.

It was uplifting and extremely relaxing to have the experience of a Healing Touch session performed via FaceTime during COVID-19. I wasn’t sure that it would work if it wasn’t done in person but the energy therapy was very effective via FaceTime. I would highly recommend Healing Touch to anyone who would like to experience energetic healing and relaxation.

—Ann Bispo
Chemical Dependence Liaison, Montage Health